Have you ever attended a meeting that turned out to be a total waste of time? Learn how to facilitate a productive meeting so you’re not that person who causes the waste of time!
Do you have a SMART home? If so, you’re at risk. Health, safety, privacy – those are just three areas of your life where SMART home technology could cause you to lose time and money in the long run.
Do you have a SMART home? Can saying, “OK Google” or “Hey Alexa” really help you be more productive? Find out whether or not SMART can improve productivity.
Do you watch television? Have you ever stopped to think how it affects you and how you feel? Let’s take a look at wrestling versus cable news networks.
“I just don’t have enough time.” Or, “I wish I had more time.” If you’ve ever uttered those words, you’ll want to read this. What is the best way to use the time to the fullest.